Ask Questions Until You Have the Honest Answer
There are things that can suppress the health and economy of people and it is linked directly to a suppression of knowledge, confusion, fear, and simply deferring people’s attention away from basic fundamentals.
The above seems to have been made easier by society’s increased faith in man and a decreased faith in our Maker which in turn has cause us to drift away from the basics and opt instead for things with flare and a great sounding verbal spin…
“Ask why, and ask it again five more times, until all of the artifice is stripped away, and you end up with the intellectually, honest answer.” Andy Grove
Why do we slow down our levels of activity without slowing down our fuel intake, and then complain about weight gain?
Why do we artificially stimulate our metabolism with diet pills and other stimulants instead of losing weight through proper diet, exercise and rebuilding our metabolism through, toning, strengthening, and building muscle?
Why do we take pain pills to ignore pain, and then wonder why the origin of the pain doesn’t get better or simply gets worse?
Why do we prosecute and imprison people for using a natural herbal painkiller that could be raised for free, but think continuous prescriptions for addictive, (narcotic level) pain pills are okay, that turn many people into a much more destitute form of a drug addict and its cause death and harm at a much higher level? Why isn’t more energy and effort put into educating young impressionable minds about the value of a completely clear undrugged brain?
Why is it that we have an FDA that okays the usage of such chemicals in bread that are used in tennis shoes and yoga mats but has spent many years trying to convince our politicians and the public that raw milk is hazardous to our health while turning a blind eye to what opioid distributors were doing? Why is it that it seems along with their stance there seems to have been no attention paid by the FDA to the lactose intolerance timeline? Milk has been around for 1000’s of years and production standards have gotten better not worse.
Why is it that we take antidepressants to ignore problems, and then wonder why we need them even more at a later date? Why is it that no dots are connected with SSRI (antidepressant) drugs and suicide as well as ones that commit or attempt mass homicide? Our law enforcement, jails, mental health providers, emergency, rooms, judicial systems, and last, but not least the public, has never been subjected in history to so many people being on psychotropic drugs. So now that psychotropic drugs are so rampantly used are things better or worse? And why is it (when we live in what is supposed to be the best country in the world) that so many people are having to be on antidepressants?
Why is it we take arthritis drugs but do not bother to strengthen muscles that will help lift and support our body’s weight to relieve the bones and joints from (inflammation causing) weight sagging on our bones, causing arthritic conditions.
Why is it that we take lots of anti-biotics and take in far fewer pro-biotics or probiotic rich foods to replace the biotics (that the antibiotics have killed) and then wonder why our gastric tract gives us digestive problems?
Why is it that we clog up the most important ingredient for life (oxygen) and our lungs with cigarette smoke and other chemicals?
Why is it that we clog up the 2nd most important ingredient to life (water) with colorings, caffeinating, sugars, and carbonation?
Why is it we sanitize our surroundings with toxic chemicals to kill germs but create a cancerous environment in the process? Why is it that we don’t learn more about the usage of hydrogen peroxide and how it kills bacteria’s and viruses while at the same time creating oxygen?
Why is it that we have a cancer/tumor industry that tries to convince us that we need immediate invasive, poisonous procedures and then continuous medicine, and checkups rather than aligning the patient with a nutritionist and an anti-cancerous lifestyle?
Why is it that we eat lots of goo that sticks to our intestinal walls with very few raw vegetables in-between to break it up and move it along and then wonder why we are so constipated?
Why is it that we guzzle liquid, carbonated, caffeinated, sugar loaded drinks and mass-produce sweet foods without (soluble fiber in them to slow down sugar absorption), and then wonder why our pancreas gets worn out and why we have a diabetes epidemic?
Why is it that we opt to get on a lifetime supply of diabetes medicine to command our body to bloat our fat cells with these continued surges of sugar, instead of changing what we eat?
Why is it that we weaken our immune system by sanitizing our surroundings and try to live in a sanitized bubble, but then inject simulated funk (vaccinations) that only guesses at our future germ exposures?
Why is it that we have adapted to a source of food that is largely made from processed sources and brought in from various parts of the country instead of, from plant life that uses the energy from sun, wind, rain, and soil from the region we live in?
Last but not least, health and financial issues are probably the cause of most of the stress in our adult lives, so why isn’t more time spent in the last year of grade school, dedicated simply on avoiding the pit falls of these two?
Education and transparency benefit the masses, however the profits (from debt, disease, fear, non-transparency, and suppression of energy efficiencies) massively benefit a select few.