Creating Change, Bottom to the Top!

Wade Yoder
4 min readJun 9, 2024


Big Pharma has become drug kingpins in (not curing but rather in chronic disease management with continued drug usage and dependency by its customer base). Have you been given a good reason to become more trusting over the years (whether as a patient or a medical practitioner) or is there a tinge of uncertainty because of the reliance you may have on a medical industry and insurance system that is in it for the profits and who has a stranglehold on medical procedures and processes? Even medical doctors and medical staffing have to jump through bureaucratic hoops, to be able to do what they feel is right for their patients.

The pharmaceutical industry’s medical education manipulation along with modern diet, food logistics, FDA, CDC, and of course a political system with a shortage of real statesmen, have created dependence on a system that we have not been given solid reason to trust. Probably our best hope for change at the top, is taking personal responsibility to create a change at the bottom (starting with ourselves), that forces change all the way through a system that has been corrupted by financial gain.

A while back I was watching a documentary on food and food logistics, and they brought out a point that really made sense, -“we the consumer (several 100 million of us) hold the purse strings and what we choose to buy can have a big impact on market demands. And instead of worrying about creating change at the top, we should simply create change around ourselves, in what we purchase to eat.” There is change happening and you can see it, by the new farmers markets that are springing up to meet the demands of consumers trying to eat healthier, even grocery market seem to be more conscious about local grown. We should stop in whenever we can and purchase from these people and businesses that bring local nutrition to market!

Nutrition (as nature intended it to be, in its whole food form), has many healing properties, and we should never get too far off-track in replacing it with synthetics that our body does not recognize or assimilate as well as the real thing. Unfortunately it seems the food and drug industry have both been able to tap into our government through powerful lobbyists and it has seemed to help warp legislation, and (for many years) public perception.
Food example: have you ever noticed how many people have lactose intolerance, but there is very little acknowledgment, given to the fact that far fewer people purchase directly from dairies, but rather use processed dairy product. Where are the timeline statistics on this?? A narrative was even pushed by the FDA that it was dangerous to consume raw milk, but with very little fact to substantiate it. And for many years, it became illegal in many areas to purchase raw milk directly from dairy farmers. Why was the FDA so concerned about channeling all this dairy product through the large bottling companies instead of letting people purchase direct from the dairy? Could it be taxation on the part of the government and profits four large corporation? Where were all the deaths, poisonings etc. that they would make a food product that has been around for thousands of years become described by them as dangerous and even considered a criminal activity to buy and sell?

Drug example: have you ever noticed how painful it seems for federal or state legislators to come to a consensus, (based on scientific facts) and really look at the value of medicinal extracts from a God given herbal plant that could have been helping with all kinds of conditions that modern medicine has been treating and would probably like to continue to have exclusivity and patents for medicines created to treat these symptoms? Who would have thought that something herbal may work better than an entire series of laboratory produced medicines? A big difference, is, you cannot patent a plant and it is grown as easily as weed.
How it works: our body has an endocannabinoid system, -we should not be shocked that the natural medicinal fit for these receptors might be from a plant that has approximately 100 cannabinoids. Unfortunately this plant is used by many for the sole purpose of getting high, just as alcohol is used by many to get buzzed or drunk, (however one has lots of medicinal usages, the latter has virtually none).

Good dirt: it should be pretty clear to us by now, that change is not going to happen at the top unless the soil (that gives problems a root system to grow in) changes. Our purchases, our votes, and our lifestyle is what makes up the soil and what grows out of it represents us! Even though our action or inaction may seem like a little insignificant pebble dropped in a massive lake, the ripple effect can last a lifetime and longer. For change to happen at the top, sometimes we first have to change at the bottom!



Wade Yoder

Master Trainer, Specialist in: Fitness Nutrition, Exercise Therapy, Strength and Conditioning, Senior Fitness, Youth Fitness Trainer