Free Natural Fat Burners

Wade Yoder
3 min readJun 10, 2023


Most fat burners and legitimate weight loss guidelines are designed to enhance your thermogenic state, so that more of your stored fat is being broken down into a syrupy brown substance to be burned as energy or as a source of calories for the days that you don’t eat enough to cover your body’s daily calorie use.

I’ve listed several ways below that you can naturally light up the fat burning state in your body and one cheap way (at the end of the article) that you can increase thermogenic activity (fat burning) throughout your exercise routine using a combination of two items you probably already have in your cabinets.

Temporary food restriction: when we drop our calories really low for 1–2 days or fast for 18–24 hours, it will create a calorie deficit. Our body will pull calories from our stored fat to give us the fuel we need to cover our daily energy requirements, (a pound of stored fat will yield around 3500 calories). This is why we lose weight when we either drop our calorie intake or skip eating for 18–24 hours. You don’t want to do this for too long or your body will sense starvation and will begin breaking down your most metabolically active tissue (muscle) to slow down your metabolism. The trick is in getting your calorie intake backup before this process starts. If you use fat burners etc. to curb your appetite, discontinue every 3–4 days to let your appetite return.

Temperature control: temperature control is one of the biggest calorie burners we have going on in our body. Our body is constantly trying to regulate our temperature whether it’s to warm us or cool us down, this activity burns a lot of calories! Whether its in the heat of the summer and our body is trying to expel heat or if its in the cold of winter and our body is shivering to create heat and using up calories which are units of heat, our external environment can cause our body to burn a lot of calories just to regulate internal environment.

Have you ever noticed how much extra electricity your house uses during a cold snap? Our body is much the same, especially when it’s trying to keep your body around 98.6 F and the external temperature is 30–60 degrees cooler. This is why our appetite sometimes surges in the winter. This is a good time to force the body to release body fat when lower our calorie intake and we enhance this capability by not eating anything sweet as a source of the calories we eat, (sweet foods temporarily block the body’s capability to release fat for energy).

Digestion of food: our food choices can cause our body to burn more calories during digestion because of a thing called the thermic effect of food. Not all calories are the same, some absorb very rapidly into our system causing a spike in blood sugar and other foods have to go through more of the digestive process to break down, causing us to burn more calories throughout the digestion process.

Example: chicken breast, serving of broccoli, and sweet potato vs. a milkshake. It doesn’t take much effort to digest the shake and with the rapid absorption comes increased potential of the extra fuel in our blood being carted off and stored in our fat cells.

Cheap thermogenic enhancer: take an aspirin about 15–30 minutes prior to a workout and drink a cup of coffee just before your workout, you can almost feel your fat cells releasing their energy!

Stored fat is like work we’ve done in advance…its stored food that we’ve already ate, processed, and stored. It sets there ready to be used when we don’t have time to eat or when we feel we need to get rid of some of the excess groceries in our pantries.



Wade Yoder

Master Trainer, Specialist in: Fitness Nutrition, Exercise Therapy, Strength and Conditioning, Senior Fitness, Youth Fitness Trainer