Homeostasis vs. Cancer

Wade Yoder
5 min readJun 23, 2024


Homeostasis is simply a state of normal that our body tries to return to no matter if we get dehydrated, cold, hot, sick, infections or even get emotionally upset. This list of things the body is continually trying to keep balanced is a long one and like many say…the struggle is real!

Our body is constantly trying to adjust to our environment, some of which are out of our control, but there is plenty we can do and by doing these, we help our body offset the bad things in our environment that we cannot control. We can help our body by doing things that synchronize it with the healthy things in our region, such as local grown foods vs. ones grown 1000’s of miles away. If a food thrives in an area, it’s quite obvious that this plant or this animal has homeostasis with this region. Nature builds and designs foods in this way, so it makes no sense to believe we can bring our body into balance (homeostasis) if we regularly consume foods that do not live in the same environment that we do. Next time you eat a food that was grown in your area, (whether, fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, honey etc.), imagine all the nutrients, oxygen, sunshine, water, and minerals the plant or animal gathered to the point of harvest. When we think of food in this way, it increases our appreciation for the taste of nature’s nutritious bounty.

When we give our body healthy things to work with, it makes things much easier to keep in balance or bring back in balance. Giving our body unhealthy or foreign things to work with and expecting a good result is like giving a chef mangos and expecting him or her to be able to make a peach pie out of it!

The system of checks and balances is oft times quietly at work within us trying to normalize everything from the amount of acid in our stomach, to how things get interpreted by the brain after entering the eyeball(s). We can see the above two, by how our digestive tract reacts to bad or hard to digest food or how we sometimes have very different reaction when we see something compared to other times.

Cancer: our body is constantly fighting cancer by keeping things such as our pH (acid/alkaline) levels in balance. There seems to be some controversy in what effects this, but either way, just like chronic (continued) inflammation we should look at our body’s over production of acid as a reaction to things it doesn’t like and if we continue to do things to our body that causes it to produce acid, and inflammation, it can yield bad results. When there is continuous festering of our body’s defense mechanisms, it can damage our DNA and cause it to give out warped blueprints to build new cells and these cells oft times grow in an unusual manner and sometimes do not stop when they’re supposed to, thus yielding a growth we call cancer.

Immune system: whether our cancer is isolated or systemic, just like the feedback loops of a well armed security system, our immune system reads trouble spots and sends its specialists to that area to get rid of the problem.

Homeostasis: our body naturally sounds the alarm when things get out of whack and it will go to work to bring it back into normal balance. And whether cancer stays isolated in an area or metastasizes into other areas of the body, it is not considered normal, so if we have a strong immune system, it will increase the chances that it can discover the cancer on its own, long before its medically diagnosable state, and will shrink or eliminate it thus restoring health (homeostasis) in this tissue or organ area oft times without us even realizing the little hiccup on our immune system’s radar screen.

Cancer is something that is hurting and stealing nutrients from a body part or body system and our immune system is not designed to hurt it further, but rather to get rid of what is causing the pain to this area and to stimulate the healing process and bring this area(s) back in synch with the rest of the body.

I apologize if it seems I repeat myself on the following (I admit it’s intentional), but unlike many diagnostics and treatment protocols, (these don’t change). These are the 7 healthy basics that still help (after 1000’s of years with no bad side effects) to induce a homeostatic environment within us that is very unfriendly to cancer and other chronic disease…
1. Plenty of clean oxygen with deep breathing through exercise, (cancer hates oxygen).

2. Plenty of oxygen loaded water, (a well hydrated and oxygenated body creates an unfriendly cancer environment). 3. Healthy diet with plenty of antioxidant rich fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and berries, (antioxidants help fight oxidation which is a primary source of cancer).
4. Regular exercise and activity, (this helps strengthen us and helps circulate and deliver items 1–3 above).

5. Sunshine in moderate doses and yes, sunshine is very healthy but just like exercise is healthy, 3 hours of exercise can be very unhealthy to our muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and kidneys just as 3 hours of sunshine is very inflammatory to skin that isn’t accustomed to even 30 minutes of sunshine! The sun is our primary source for the body’s own production of vitamin D (a powerful cancer fighting hormone).

6. Get rid of stress, this is not saying to not go through stressful times but figure out ways to relieve stress. Great stress relievers are -exercise, positive people and surroundings, and faith in a God that is much larger and capable than anything we are going through or having to go through.

7. Last but not least, deep sleep! This is when the body repairs damage. Our body has powerful diagnostic tools and when they detect an imbalance, they have an exact designer prescription list to send to our immune system for nutrients, chemical reactions, and body generated drugs (and yes, our body makes its own drugs) to help our body pull itself back into balance.

Question: what am I doing that is assisting or undermining the balance (homeostasis) that my body is trying to maintain or return to whether in a singular area or areas that my cancer is at or my body and its systems overall?



Wade Yoder

Master Trainer, Specialist in: Fitness Nutrition, Exercise Therapy, Strength and Conditioning, Senior Fitness, Youth Fitness Trainer