Immune System Fitness vs. Viral Invaders

Wade Yoder
4 min readMay 2, 2022

Our immune system works 24–7–365 and knows exactly what’s wrong with us and what it needs to repair it with, whether it’s better food to work with, more water, more rest, less stress, or more exercise.

The immune system gets stronger first by getting depressed. It’s like muscle fibers that have been broken down during a hard workout. Our body uses this signal to build the muscle back stronger, to prepare it to handle the physical stress that we have told it that it can start expecting from us. If we workout too hard when we first start exercising or when our body is not fully recovered from the previous exercise routine, we increase the risk or injury and if the injury is bad enough it can put us out of commission for a while. Strengthening our immune system works much the same way, in how that it strengthens itself through exposures to our surroundings. Just like muscle, if we live in a sterilized bubble for long enough, our immune system will waste away, since it never gets exercised.

Most of us have at one time or the other ate and exercised to get in a certain condition, whether it was taking in more protein to build muscle or dropping sugar and starch intake to drop body fat levels. Building our immune system works in much the same way, healthy balanced diet, exercise, plenty of rest and let’s not forget, exposure on a consistent basis to your environment strengthens our immune system naturally. And just like overdoing it when exercising, we can also overdo it when exposing ourselves to our surrounding environment when we know we are feeling run down. When we already feel run down, it’s the wrong time to expose ourselves to potential pathogens.

Important things we can do to strengthen keep our immune system strong:

1. Deep rest and plenty of it, this is when our body repairs itself

2. Drink plenty of water; try to drink at least 12–16 oz. upon waking, (this will help your body eliminate things it wants to get out of you). Lemon squeezed into warm water in the morning is a good immune booster, along with many other benefits!

3. Plenty of antioxidant and mineral rich vegetables, fruits, nuts & berries this helps the several trillion cells in our body have a better defense system. If you do not get enough of these, use vitamins and minerals (backed with scientific research and not hype) to supplement your diet. Remember, food in balance is your best source of nutrients.

4. Try to prevent breathing sudden blast of cold air, when leaving a temperature-controlled environment, a simple dust mask works well, or pulling jacket, shirt, or scarf over your nose.

5. Stay active and exercise, but if you feel run down, layoff or at least do not exercise strenuously, your body does not need to be fighting the flu and trying to recover from a workout.

6. When you or the ones you care about are going to be around crowds of people or an environment that may increase your risk, be sure to keep yourself as healthy as you can leading up to the exposure. When your immune system is tired, it’s simply a lot harder to fight off the bad things around us.

7. Avoid stress and if you do get stressed, find something you enjoy doing to de-stress, such as active sports, reading, a funny movie, meditation etc.

8. Think healthy thoughts about yourself and your health, it can have some pretty cool and positive benefits when your brain/control center of your body is kept positive!

We’ve got a powerful system within us that is constantly sending alert signals and gathering defenses to kill foreign invaders as they enter our body, but if we do not give it the (simple healthy basics) to build the weaponry it needs, it will lose its battles and when our immune system is not working properly, we begin to lose quality of life and capability to fight illness and disease.

Our immune system takes our health more serious than anyone else on this planet, are we willing to give it the tools it needs to keep us well?

Side note: When a publication, media or the medical professional is pushing immunization through laboratory created vaccines and medicine for flu prevention and chronic disease and they omit the healthy basic habits that build our immune system naturally, I personally feel they are motivated by wealth created through medicating disease and are much more concerned about their wealth then my health.

We must ask ourselves, why are flu viruses, and chronic diseases seeming to get worse with more complicated mutations every year along with the ensuing widespread dependence on sick care? Are we forgetting that our immune system knows us better, and can learn and sequence an invader better than any external guesswork can?

No matter how complicated we let it become, in the end, the immune system is simply the ONLY thing that heals us.



Wade Yoder

Master Trainer, Specialist in: Fitness Nutrition, Exercise Therapy, Strength and Conditioning, Senior Fitness, Youth Fitness Trainer